Tooltip shortcode plugin for wordpress, full customize and easy to use.


  1. One shortcode.
  2. Full customize.
  3. SEO friendly.
  4. Easy to use.

The Tooltip Live Demo

Please hover my username This is my username on Twitter! Follow me, this is my tool tip with default color.@QQQHZ
Please hover my This is my tool tip with custom color.text

After installed plugin, you will find new button “The Tooltip” in WP post editor.



Just use this shortcode:
[the_tooltip text=”some text or one word” tooltip=”my tool tip text”]

Shortcode Attributes

  1. text=”here enter your text or one word, example: @Qassim_Dev”, default is none. required.
  2. tooltip=”here enter tool tip text, example: this is my username on twitter! follow me”, default is none, required.
  3. background=”here enter tool tip background color code, eaxmple: #ff0″ default is #555555, not required.
  4. url=”here enter link if you want, example:” default it none, not required.
  5. color=”here enter to tool tip text color code, example: #000″ default is #ffffff, not required.

Download WordPress Plugin