Alobaidi Slider is beautiful wordpress slider plugin, responsive and retina, autoplay, touch devices, youtube, vimeo, keek, and instagram image support, slider widget, easy to use, compatible with all major browsers.

Alobaidi Slider Features

  1. Fully Responsive.
  2. Retina Ready.
  3. Unlimited amount of images and videos to be added to the slider.
  4. Unlimited Sliders.
  5. Autoplay Support (will be stopped when hover).
  6. Slider Widget.
  7. Custom wrap width and wrap height.
  8. YouTube and Vimeo and Keek support.
  9. Instagram images support.
  10. Images Captions.
  11. Touch devices support.
  12. Compatible with any lightbox.
  13. Compatible with all major browsers, like Google Chrome, FireFox, Opera, Safari, IE9, IE10, IE11, iOS browser, Android browser, etc.
  14. Easy to use and without options, 2 shortcodes only.

Alobaidi Slider Demo

This is standard slider demo:

[alobaidislider_c url=”” cap=”Hello World”]
[alobaidislider_c url=”” before_img=””]
[alobaidislider_c url=””]
[alobaidislider_c url=”” before_img=””]
[alobaidislider_c url=”″]
[alobaidislider_c url=””]
[alobaidislider_c url=””]

Go to autoplay slider demo.

Alobaidi Slider Installation

Download Alobaidi Slider plugin, install it and activate it, now go to Plugins menu > Alobaidi Slider. For widget, go to Appearance menu > Widgets > Alobaidi Slider.

Alobaidi Slider Shortcodes

alobaidi slider shortcodes


[alobaidislider_c url=""]

Shortcode Attributes

Attributes for [alobaidislider_w] shortcode:

  1. auto=”” enter “true” to activate autoplay slider, for example: auto=”true” default is false (not required).
  2. time=”” enter value for autoplay slider time (seconds) for example for 6 seconds: time=”6″ default is 3 seconds (not required).
  3. move=”” enter animation effect for auto slider, Right or Left effect, for example: move=”Left” default is Right (not required).
  4. width=”” enter custom width size, numbers only, for example: 400 (not required).
  5. height=”” enter custom height size, numbers only, for example: 400 (not required).
  6. margin_bottom=”” enter custom margin bottom size, numbers only, example: 15 (not required).

Attributes for [alobaidislider_c] shortcode:

  1. url=”” enter image link, or youtube video, or vimeo video, or keek video, or instagram image, (required).
  2. before_img=”” enter link for your image, for example add your post link or any link, (not required).
  3. cap=”” enter your text caption, (not required).
  4. before_cap=”” enter link for your caption, for example add your post link or any link, (not required).


Example for standard slider:

[alobaidislider_c url="" cap="Hello World"]
[alobaidislider_c url="" before_img=""]
[alobaidislider_c url=""]
[alobaidislider_c url="" before_img=""]
[alobaidislider_c url=""]
[alobaidislider_c url=""]
[alobaidislider_c url=""]

Example for autoplay slider:

[alobaidislider_w auto="true" time="5"]
[alobaidislider_c url="" cap="Hello World"]
[alobaidislider_c url="" before_img=""]
[alobaidislider_c url=""]
[alobaidislider_c url="" before_img=""]
[alobaidislider_c url=""]
[alobaidislider_c url=""]
[alobaidislider_c url=""]

Alobaidi Slider Widget

alobaidi slider widget

Go to Appearance menu > Widgets, now drag and drop “Alobaidi Slider” widget to your sidebar, now in “Title” field, enter your widget title if you want, and in “Links” field, enter list of media links, one URL per line, enter images, youtube, vimeo, keek, instagram only.


Alobaidi Slider is compatible with Fancy Lightbox plugin.

Download Plugin