The correct way to include PHP file in WordPress theme and plugin, step by step, all thing about include PHP file in WordPress.

How to Include PHP File in WordPress

For WordPress theme, we need to get_template_directory() function. For WordPress plugin, we have 3 ways to include PHP file.

Include File in Theme

To include file in WordPress theme, just do like this:

include( get_template_directory() . '/my-file.php' );

Include File in Plugin

To include file in WordPress plugin, you have 3 ways:

// Way Number #1

include dirname( __FILE__ ). '/my-file.php';

// Way Number #2

include( plugin_dir_path(__FILE__).'/my-file.php' );

// Way Number #3

include 'my-file.php';

Read about plugin_dir_path() function.

Include WordPress Loop File

This is function for WordPress theme developer, if you have loop in PHP file, and you want to include your loop file in some file for example “index.php” file, create your loop file, for example “my-loop.php”, and use this code inside “index.php” file:

<?php get_header(); ?>

<div id="theme-wrap">
    <?php get_template_part( 'my', 'loop' ); // Include loop file. ?>

<?php get_footer(); ?>

Read about get_template_part() function.