Simple wordpress function to get widgets count in your sidebar, two ways to get widgets count in theme sidebar, just 4 lines of code.

How To Get Widgets Count In Sidebar

We have two ways to get widgets count in sidebar, first way using wp_get_sidebars_widgets() function and count() function, second way using get_option() function and count() function.

First Way

Copy this code and paste it in your functions.php file:

function get_widgets_count( $sidebar_id ){
    $sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();
    return (int) count( (array) $sidebars_widgets[ $sidebar_id ] );

Now add this code to display count of widgets:

echo get_widgets_count( 'enter-sidebar-id' );

Change ‘enter-sidebar-id’ to your Sidebar ID.

Second Way

Copy this code and paste it in your functions.php file:

function WPTime_get_widgets_count($sidebar_id){
    /* By Qassim Hassan, */
    $array = get_option('sidebars_widgets');
    return count($array[$sidebar_id]);

Now add this code to display count of widgets:

echo WPTime_get_widgets_count( 'enter-sidebar-id' );

Change ‘enter-sidebar-id’ to your Sidebar ID, to get Sidebar ID, use this code:

print_r( get_option('sidebars_widgets') );

Now you will get array of sidebars, like this:

get sidebar id in wordpress

I have two sidebars, my first sidebar ID is “sidebar-1”, and my second sidebar ID is “sidebar-2”.